Dolphins Daily 2

Dolphins Daily 2


This is episode 2 of Dolphins Daily with Thirsty and Digging. The show airs live most weekdays at 10:00 (EST). It is on multiple outlets but the best places to watch are YouTube and Facebook since you get to comment.


Dolphins Daily 2



Thank you for watching! Tell us your thoughts!  Digging-N-The-Trenches and I always talk Miami Dolphins. Your daily dose of Fins content. Make sure to check the BLOGS and VLOGS  of this site. This is a new fansite from a long-time Dolfan. The goal is to bring Dolfans together as Miami heads back to being a playoff-winning franchise. Get on the fun bandwagon now. Enjoy the ride! As always Fins Up!

A quick read heading the bye week:


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