Miami Dolphins Monday

Miami Dolphins Monday


Here are some Miami Dolphins thoughts on this Monday following yesterday’s loss to the New England Patriots. 


Miami Dolphins Thoughts on Monday 01/02/2023


The Dolphins have lost five games in a row. Things are not pretty here on Dolfan Island where I reside. At 8 and 3, the Dolphins along with their fans had visions of playoffs dancing in their minds as the holiday season was approaching. But, then December happened! For Dolfans that have been around for a bit, you know this is a possible sequel to the movie known on Dolfan Island as “The Collapse of 1993.”

In 1993, the Miami Dolphins were cruising along with a 9 and 2 record after beating the Dallas Cowboys on Thanksgiving Day. That game is known by many as the Leon Lett game. It was a game in that Miami got a break when the Cowboys blocked a field goal as time was winding down. The block FG would have won the game for the Cowboys, but for whatever reason Lett decided to try to recover the ball. He touched it but did not secure it. Miami recovered the ball and got another FG attempt, this time Pete Stoyanovich made the kick. The Dolphins escaped with a victory. Dolfans thoughts things were going right for Miami even with an injured Dan Marino. Yet, they were wrong. The Dolphins did not win another game in 1993. to finish out of the playoffs with a 9 and 7 record.


2022 Sequel?


Sitting here on the Monday after the 5th loss in a row for the Dolphins, I can’t help but think of that season. Miami still has a chance to avoid the sequel billing. Miami can beat the Jets to snap Miami’s 5 game-losing streak. A Fins win coupled with a Patriots loss to the Buffalo Bills would get Miami to the playoffs. Yes, it might feel like backing into the postseason after they were the talk of the NFL when they were looking strong at 8 and 3. Yet, it will avoid being labeled as a sequel to the 1993 season. I want this team to make the playoffs!


What are your thoughts?

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