What a victory

What a Victory!


What a victory for the Miami Dolphins over the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday (09/18/2022). It left the Ravens fans in disbelief! Also, it left Dolfans in a celebration mood that has lasted into today! Trailing 35 to 14 in the fourth quarter, all seemed lost for the Dolphins. But, Tua Tagovailoa along with a host of other great players on this day overcame the odds to beat the the stunned Ravens by a score of 42 to 38! So, it got me thinking about other games in Dolphins history. What a victory!

What a Victory, but Where does it Rank in Dolphins Lore?


Recently, I wrote a blog about about my favorite three Dolphins games in history. But, this “what a victory” feeling got me thinking. So, does this amazing comeback change my top 3 rankings? I do not want to be a prisoner of the moment, but this games is for sure in the top 5. But, I will not let it take out my number 3 just yet. However, I do feel like the top 5 ranking is justified. So, it does rank above the Miami Miracle game in my view which had been on the outskirts of my favorite 3. I think this epic comeback falls in at #4 on my list. The Dolphins losing to the Chargers back in the classic playoff games still ranks high as well. But, that was a loss so it falls. I will always remember that game though, because those were my early Dolfan years. In fact, that game is the game that got me hooked to Dolphins football.

What a victory! Let me know where yesterday’s game ranks on your list. Reach out to me at Twitter.com/DolphinThirsty. Thank you for reading my blog. Dolfans rock, so this blog is a lot of fun since without fellow Dolphins fans to interact there would be no reason. But, you guys make it Super Duper! As always. Fins Up!


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