fins fandom friday

Fins Fandom Friday


It is Fins Fandom Friday! Random thoughts from a Dolfan to other Dolfans!


Fins Fandom Friday, Here it Goes!


There are those infamous “unnamed sources” that say that Sean Payton is planning a return to the NFL to resume his head coaching career. So, why does this matter to fans of the Miami Dolphins? Because, the same unnamed resources are saying that the Dolphins are one of the teams that interest Payton. Well, thank you Sean. But, the Dolphins are set at the head coach position! We are flattered that you care about us, but we are currently involved in a winning relationship. Go talk to Jerry Jones after the season, I’m sure he will hire you. Then, maybe you could face the Dolphins in a Super Bowl down the road. So, what are your random thoughts on this topic?

A random thought helped by listening to the Joe Rose Show this morning. Did you guys hear Duke Riley on the show? If not, try to find it on the Audacy APP. Riley was awesome on the show. He has a bright future in broadcasting, if he chooses to go that route when he hangs up the cleats. Riley had an amazing energy level when speaking about Head Coach McDaniel. He seems to truly love playing under McDaniel. You could hear it was genuine thoughts from Riley. Riley was awesome on the show! It got me in a good mood. My son who normally utters only good bye as he exits the car at school was talking about Riley this morning. What are your Fins Fandom Friday thoughts?

Fins Fandom Friday Thoughts from Others


Fins Fandom Friday should be wild today on social media. Therefore, it should be a “Finstastic” day! I for one, do not care when the national media bashes or even praises our Dolphins. I like hearing from fellow Dolfans more than I do the boobs on the tube. Yes, it is nice to hear praise about our team at times. But, Dolphins fans bring that added passion!

Fans should not be mad that most of the so called experts are picking the Buffalo Bills. Because, the fact is the Bills have beaten Miami seven straight times. So, I understand their line of thinking. But, the Dolphins can change that narrative this Sunday at Hard Rock Stadium! 


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